My major research (around 50million total cash grants and contracts) is in-process measurements on polymers, real time computer control, analysis and computer modelling of polymer processing.
I am Professor of Polymer Engineering at the University of Bradford, UK and Director of the internationally recognised Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) in Polymer Science and Technology, with some 30 researchers. I have published extensively – over 300 papers, in scientific journals and international conferences, and have co-authored 9 books, and edited 11 books. I hold 12 patents. My research is internationally recognised, with many keynote addresses and worldwide collaborations (particularly Europe, N America, China, Australia and Japan), and I have developed the UK centre for in-process measurements. Main themes are: (i) analysis/modelling of polymer processing mechanics, involving experimental characterisations of the solid and fluid phase rheology of polymers, with novel rheo-optical, ultrasound techniques and in-process spectroscopy; (ii) processing machinery design and control of processing, especially in the fields of injection moulding, extrusion and reactive processing – encompassing determination of process dynamic responses to the deconvolution of machine and raw material variables for real time closed loop process control; (iii) computer modelling of solid and melt phase processing – used in process design and control (with a licensed polymer orientation process), and for insight into deformation and flow mechanisms – my computer modelling research centre adjoins the experimental laboratory. I have strategically linked all UK academics in cooperative research, as leader or board member: Director of the Polymer IRC, leader of EPSRC major collaborative programme on Enhanced Polymer Processing (2.7m, 3 Universities and 10 companies), DTI In-process measurements programme (.25m, 40 companies) and EPSRC Networks for Computer Modelling of Polymer Processing (11 UK Universities and 6 organisations) and (b) In Process Measurements which links 14 UK Universities and a range of organisations); Board member of EPSRC major collaborative programmes on Microscale flows (2.5m, 6 Universities and 6 companies), Faraday Plastics (2.2m, 4 University groups and industry), and director of MeDe Innovation, the 5.7m EPSRC Centre of Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices, founded in 2013 across Leeds, Bradford, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield Universities. I lead the EPSRC Science Bridges China programme (1.8m, with ~10m levered funding in China).
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Professor and Chair, New Chemistry Unit.
Also Faculty at School of Advanced Materials (SAMat)
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research (JNCASR), Bangalore.
Head of the Chair of Chemical Process Engineering (AVT.CVT). The core research field of the chair focuses on the development and application of membrane technology for current global challenges, particularly hybrid processes and electrochemical membrane reactors.
Full Professor, (Bio)artificial organs, Department
of Biomaterials Science and Technology, TechMed
institute – Faculty of Science and Technology,
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Along with an awesome team of experienced innovation managers, highly motivated digital developers and specialized experts at inpro, I try to contribute in making industrial engineering and production processes better and more efficient.
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Organised by the Belgian Polymer Group, KNCV Macromolecular Division, PTN, the former Dutch Polymer Days and Brightlands Rolduc Polymer Conference.