George Mihov is a Science Fellow at DSM Biomedical. His focus areas of research are Drug Delivery and biodegradation.
George obtained his M. Sc in Chemistry at Sofia University, Bulgaria and earned his Ph.D in Chemistry and Pharmacy at Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany. He joined DSM as a Scientist in 2007 and became a Lead Scientist and Program Manager of Drug Delivery in 2009. In this role, George contributed for the transfer and further development of the polyesteramide technology extending the polymer family with tailor-made biomaterials for ophthalmology. Since 2015 George manages the Drug Delivery R&D at DSM Biomedical. Among the achievements of his team are the commercial launch of a drug eluting cardio-vascular stent (2016), DSM Innovation Award (2017) and a license and development agreement with Aerie Pharmaceutical (2018). George Mihov has contributed to more than 15 patents and 30 peer reviewed publications. His research in the biomedical field has been fueled by multiple collaborations with Universities and University Hospitals in Europe (Aachen University Hospital, Maastricht University Hospital, Utrecht Veterinary Institute, University of Madrid, Tübingen University Hospital, Helsinki University, University of Amsterdam, Geneva Ophthalmology department and many others).
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Professor and Chair, New Chemistry Unit.
Also Faculty at School of Advanced Materials (SAMat)
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research (JNCASR), Bangalore.
Head of the Chair of Chemical Process Engineering (AVT.CVT). The core research field of the chair focuses on the development and application of membrane technology for current global challenges, particularly hybrid processes and electrochemical membrane reactors.
Full Professor, (Bio)artificial organs, Department
of Biomaterials Science and Technology, TechMed
institute – Faculty of Science and Technology,
University of Twente, The Netherlands
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Organised by the Belgian Polymer Group, KNCV Macromolecular Division, PTN, the former Dutch Polymer Days and Brightlands Rolduc Polymer Conference.